Three Great Monastic Themes For Today
As part of its Augustinian heritage, the Priory endeavours to encompass the three great monastic themes of Prayer, Study and Hospitality, so evident in the life of St John of Bridlington, of the Priory, and of the Christian faith in general. They are being lived out today in the following ways:
PRAYER – Making space for God
- Public worship takes place every day, and the church is open daily for private prayer. The choral tradition enhances the worship and witness of the Priory at the 10:30 am and 6:30 pm services on Sundays.
- At 11am, 1pm and 3pm, visitors to the Priory are invited to be still during the offering of a short prayer.
- Prayer for healing and wholeness takes place at many services. Written prayer requests may be left in the Chapel of St John. The votive candle stand provides a focus for meditation and prayer. Prayer leaflets are available free of charge here.
STUDY – Understanding our faith
- The Priory emphasises the reading of Scripture and Biblical preaching.
- Local schools make regular visits to the Priory.
- Visits from adult groups and societies are welcome. Guided visits are also available.
- Study groups, Lent courses, Cursillo groups and a meditation group provide opportunities for learning.
- The Priory shop stocks a range of Christian books and literature, including books about the Priory, St John of Bridlington and the Priory Organ.
HOSPITALITY – welcome and friendship for all
- The Luncheon Club takes place weekly.
- The church is open daily, free of charge, for everyone.
- Important occasions are celebrated or commemorated with special services.
- Special life events are marked by baptisms, weddings and funerals.
- The Priory building is available as a magnificent venue for many concerts and a wide range of events throughout the year (please visit the What’s On page).
- The Priory offers its facilities to and collects resources for local charities.