Living Churchyard

Living Churchyard
Living Churchyard
Living Churchyard
Living Churchyard

The Living Churchyard Project

The Yorkshire Wildlife Trust in partnership with the Diocese of York aims to survey the wildlife present in churchyards. They also give advice and information for the protection of wildflowers, lichens butterflies and other wildlife.

In the Priory Churchyard we have set aside a wildlife conservation area with wood pile, stone pile and compost heap and wild area to create habitats for a variety of wildlife. The hay meadow area is cut in April and October and the cuttings removed so as to impoverish the soil and encourage wild flowers and a variety of grasses to grow. Yellow rattle has been sown which acts as a parasite on grass and allows more species of plants to thrive. Nettles which grow in full sunlight are encouraged, as are the ivy berries which provide much needed sustenance for small birds at the end of winter.

Cowslips in the Living Churchyard
Cowslips in the Living Churchyard

Volunteers meet about once a month to tidy, litter pick and help with the maintenance of this part of the churchyard and anyone interested in trying to curb habitat loss is most welcome. Bat boxes provided by the East Yorkshire Bat Group provide a safe haven and temporary roosting for noctule bats. There are also bird boxes which were made and donated by our Cubs and Beavers groups.

For further information on conserving encouraging wildlife in churchyards, please visit Caring for God’s Acre or email

Priory Prayer: Say One For Me

You are most welcome to use the Priory Churchyard and the Labyrinth for personal prayer and reflection.

To find the Labyrinth, go along the main path on the south side of church, and up the steps. You will find the Labyrinth and a short explanation of how to walk it.

Labyrinth - Bridlington Priory