Carving of St. John of Bridlington by Steve Carvill at Bridlington Priory.
Who was St John of Bridlington?
St John was a Yorkshireman who:
- became a famous saint.
- grew up in the village of Thwing, about 6 miles from Bridlington.
- became a canon of the Priory at Bridlington.
- was later made the Prior (canon in charge) there.
- was well known for his prayers, his study and his kindness.
- died of the plague in 1379, aged about 59 yrs.
- was recognised as very special by the Church and was made a saint.
- became famous throughout the land and pilgrims visited his shrine in the Priory to say their prayers and ask for his help.
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St John of Bridlington Ledger Stone
Created by Stephen Carvill for the Priory Churchyard in 2015, this beautifully carved Caithness stone marks the approximate position of the Shrine of St John of Bridlington. It was in a part of the monastery church that was demolished in 1537 at the Dissolution of the Monasteries. It was in a chapel beyond the high altar. The place is now out in the churchyard, outside what is left of the church.
Photograph of St John of Bridlington ledger stone © Julie Folds MA
The words inscribed on the ledger stone are a request to St John to make prayers of intercession. They are taken from the Beaufort Book of Hours, written by Margaret Beaufort, mother of Henry VII. The inscription in mediaeval Latin reads “O Prior Brydlingtonie pie, Imitator caste vie, Representa nos messye.” They mean “O Holy Prior of Bridlington, follower of a chaste life, pray for us.”